static int add_protected_path(void *ctx, apk_blob_t blob)
struct apk_database *db = (struct apk_database *) ctx;
*apk_string_array_add(&db->protected_paths) = apk_blob_cstr(blob);
return 0;
static int apk_db_create(struct apk_database *db)
int fd;
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "tmp", 01777);
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "dev", 0755);
mknodat(db->root_fd, "dev/null", 0666, makedev(1, 3));
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "var", 0755);
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "var/lib", 0755);
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "var/lib/apk", 0755);
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "var/cache", 0755);
mkdirat(db->root_fd, "var/cache/misc", 0755);
fd = openat(db->root_fd, "var/lib/apk/world", O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC|O_CLOEXEC, 0644);
if (fd < 0)
return -errno;
return 0;
static void handle_alarm(int sig)
int apk_db_open(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_db_options *dbopts)
const char *msg = NULL;
struct apk_repository_list *repo = NULL;
if (apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE) {
dbopts->open_flags &= ~(APK_OPENF_CREATE | APK_OPENF_WRITE);
dbopts->open_flags |= APK_OPENF_READ;
if (dbopts->open_flags == 0) {
msg = "Invalid open flags (internal error)";
r = -1;
goto ret_r;
apk_hash_init(&db->available.names, &pkg_name_hash_ops, 1000);
apk_hash_init(&db->available.packages, &pkg_info_hash_ops, 4000);
apk_hash_init(&db->installed.dirs, &dir_hash_ops, 2000);
apk_hash_init(&db->installed.files, &file_hash_ops, 10000);
db->root = strdup(dbopts->root ?: "/");
db->root_fd = openat(AT_FDCWD, db->root, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (db->root_fd < 0 && (dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_CREATE)) {
mkdirat(AT_FDCWD, db->root, 0755);
db->root_fd = openat(AT_FDCWD, db->root, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (db->root_fd < 0) {
msg = "Unable to open root";
goto ret_errno;
if (fstat64(db->root_fd, &st) != 0 || major(st.st_dev) == 0)
db->permanent = 0;
if (fstatat64(db->root_fd, apk_linked_cache_dir, &st, 0) == 0 &&
S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && major(st.st_dev) != 0)
db->cache_dir = apk_linked_cache_dir;
apk_id_cache_init(&db->id_cache, db->root_fd);
if (dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_WRITE) {
db->lock_fd = openat(db->root_fd, "var/lib/apk/lock",
if (db->lock_fd < 0 && errno == ENOENT &&
(dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_CREATE)) {
r = apk_db_create(db);
if (r != 0) {
msg = "Unable to create database";
goto ret_r;
db->lock_fd = openat(db->root_fd, "var/lib/apk/lock",
if (db->lock_fd < 0 ||
flock(db->lock_fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0) {
msg = "Unable to lock database";
struct sigaction sa, old_sa;
apk_message("Waiting for repository lock");
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
sa.sa_handler = handle_alarm;
sa.sa_flags = SA_ONESHOT;
sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, &old_sa);
if (flock(db->lock_fd, LOCK_EX) < 0)
sigaction(SIGALRM, &old_sa, NULL);
} else
goto ret_errno;
blob = APK_BLOB_STR("etc:*etc/init.d");
apk_blob_for_each_segment(blob, ":", add_protected_path, db);
db->cache_fd = openat(db->root_fd, db->cache_dir, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
mkdirat(db->cache_fd, "tmp", 0644);
db->cachetmp_fd = openat(db->cache_fd, "tmp", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
db->keys_fd = openat(db->root_fd,
dbopts->keys_dir ?: "etc/apk/keys",
if (apk_flags & APK_OVERLAY_FROM_STDIN) {
apk_db_read_overlay(db, apk_bstream_from_istream(
r = apk_db_read_state(db, dbopts->open_flags);
if (r == -ENOENT && (dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_CREATE)) {
msg = "Unable to create database";
r = apk_db_read_state(db, dbopts->open_flags);
if (r != 0) {
msg = "Unable to read database state";
goto ret_r;
if (!(dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_NO_INSTALLED_REPO)) {
if (apk_db_cache_active(db)) {
bs = apk_bstream_from_file(db->cache_fd, "installed");
if (bs != NULL) {
apk_db_index_read(db, bs, -2);
bs->close(bs, NULL);
if (!(dbopts->open_flags & APK_OPENF_NO_SYS_REPOS)) {
list_for_each_entry(repo, &dbopts->repository_list, list) {
r = apk_db_add_repository(db, APK_BLOB_STR(repo->url));
rr = r ?: rr;
blob = apk_blob_from_file(
dbopts->repositories_file ?: "etc/apk/repositories");
if (!APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(blob)) {
r = apk_blob_for_each_segment(
blob, "\n",
apk_db_add_repository, db);
rr = r ?: rr;
if (apk_flags & APK_UPDATE_CACHE)
if (rr != 0) {
r = rr;
goto ret_r;
r = -errno;
if (msg != NULL)
apk_error("%s: %s", msg, strerror(-r));
struct write_ctx {
struct apk_database *db;
int fd;
int apk_db_write_config(struct apk_database *db)
if ((apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE) || db->root == NULL)
if (db->lock_fd == 0) {
apk_error("Refusing to write db without write lock!");
return -1;
os = apk_ostream_to_file(db->root_fd,
return -1;
apk_deps_write(db->world, os);
os->write(os, "\n", 1);
r = os->close(os);
if (r < 0)
return r;
os = apk_ostream_to_file(db->root_fd,
return -1;
r = os->close(os);
if (r < 0)
return r;
os = apk_ostream_to_file(db->root_fd,
return -1;
r = os->close(os);
if (r < 0)
return r;
unlinkat(db->root_fd, "var/lib/apk/scripts", 0);
os = apk_ostream_to_file(db->root_fd,
if (os == NULL)
return -1;
apk_db_triggers_write(db, os);
r = os->close(os);
if (r < 0)
return r;
return 0;
void apk_db_close(struct apk_database *db)
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg;
struct hlist_node *dc, *dn;
list_for_each_entry(ipkg, &db->installed.packages, installed_pkgs_list) {
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(diri, dc, dn, &ipkg->owned_dirs, pkg_dirs_list) {
apk_db_diri_free(db, diri, APK_DISALLOW_RMDIR);
for (i = 0; i < db->num_repos; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < db->protected_paths->num; i++)
if (db->keys_fd)
if (db->cachetmp_fd)
if (db->cache_fd)
if (db->lock_fd)
if (db->root != NULL)
static int fire_triggers(apk_hash_item item, void *ctx)
struct apk_database *db = (struct apk_database *) ctx;
struct apk_db_dir *dbd = (struct apk_db_dir *) item;
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg;
int i;
list_for_each_entry(ipkg, &db->installed.triggers, trigger_pkgs_list) {
if (((ipkg->flags & APK_IPKGF_RUN_ALL_TRIGGERS) == 0) &&
((dbd->flags & APK_DBDIRF_MODIFIED) == 0))
for (i = 0; i < ipkg->triggers->num; i++) {
if (ipkg->triggers->item[i][0] != '/')
if (fnmatch(ipkg->triggers->item[i], dbd->rooted_name,
/* And place holder for script name */
if (ipkg->pending_triggers->num == 0)
*apk_string_array_add(&ipkg->pending_triggers) =
*apk_string_array_add(&ipkg->pending_triggers) =
return 0;
int apk_db_run_triggers(struct apk_database *db)
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg;
apk_hash_foreach(&db->installed.dirs, fire_triggers, db);
list_for_each_entry(ipkg, &db->installed.triggers, trigger_pkgs_list) {
*apk_string_array_add(&ipkg->pending_triggers) = NULL;
apk_ipkg_run_script(ipkg, db, APK_SCRIPT_TRIGGER,
int apk_db_cache_active(struct apk_database *db)
return db->cache_dir != apk_static_cache_dir;
int apk_db_permanent(struct apk_database *db)
struct apk_package *apk_db_get_pkg(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_checksum *csum)
return apk_hash_get(&db->available.packages, APK_BLOB_CSUM(*csum));
struct apk_package *apk_db_get_file_owner(struct apk_database *db,
apk_blob_t filename)
struct apk_db_file *dbf;
struct apk_db_file_hash_key key;
if (filename.len && filename.ptr[0] == '/')
filename.len--, filename.ptr++;
if (!apk_blob_rsplit(filename, '/', &key.dirname, &key.filename))
return NULL;
dbf = (struct apk_db_file *) apk_hash_get(&db->installed.files,
if (dbf == NULL)
return dbf->diri->pkg;
static int apk_repo_is_remote(struct apk_repository *repo)
return repo->csum.type != APK_CHECKSUM_NONE;
static struct apk_bstream *apk_repo_file_open(struct apk_repository *repo,
const char *file)
if ((apk_flags & APK_NO_NETWORK) && apk_repo_is_remote(repo))
return NULL;
/* We should not get called for non-repository files */
if (strcmp(repo->url, "cache") == 0)
return NULL;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%s%s",
url, url[strlen(url)-1] == '/' ? "" : "/", file);
return apk_bstream_from_url(tmp);
struct apk_repository *apk_db_select_repo(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_package *pkg)
static struct apk_repository cache_repo = {
.url = "cache", = {
0xf5,0xa7,0x0a,0x7c,0x17,0x26,0x69,0xb0,0x05,0x38 },
.csum.type = APK_CHECKSUM_SHA1,
unsigned int repos = pkg->repos;
int i;
/* Always prefer local repositories */
if ((repos & db->local_repos) != 0)
repos &= db->local_repos;
/* Pick first repository providing this package */
for (i = 0; i < APK_MAX_REPOS; i++)
if (repos & BIT(i))
/* If this is a remote repository, and we have no network,
* check that we have it in cache */
if ((i >= APK_MAX_REPOS) ||
((db->local_repos & BIT(i)) == 0 && (apk_flags & APK_NO_NETWORK))) {
char cacheitem[PATH_MAX];
apk_pkg_format_cache(pkg, APK_BLOB_BUF(cacheitem));
if (faccessat(db->cache_fd, cacheitem, R_OK, 0) != 0)
return NULL;
if (i >= APK_MAX_REPOS)
return &cache_repo;
return &db->repos[i];
int apk_repository_update(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_repository *repo)
char cacheitem[PATH_MAX];
if (!apk_repo_is_remote(repo))
apk_cache_format_index(APK_BLOB_BUF(cacheitem), repo, 0);
r = apk_cache_download(db, repo->url, apkindex_tar_gz, cacheitem,
(apk_flags & APK_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED) ?
if (r != 0)
apk_error("%s: %s", repo->url, apk_error_str(r));
apk_cache_format_index(APK_BLOB_BUF(cacheitem), repo, 1);
r = apk_cache_download(db, repo->url, apk_index_gz, cacheitem,
if (r != 0)
apk_error("Failed to update %s: download failed", repo->url);
struct apkindex_ctx {
struct apk_database *db;
struct apk_sign_ctx sctx;
int repo, found;
static int load_apkindex(void *sctx, const struct apk_file_info *fi,
struct apk_istream *is)
struct apkindex_ctx *ctx = (struct apkindex_ctx *) sctx;
struct apk_bstream *bs;
struct apk_repository *repo;
if (apk_sign_ctx_process_file(&ctx->sctx, fi, is) == 0)
return 0;
repo = &ctx->db->repos[ctx->repo];
if (strcmp(fi->name, "DESCRIPTION") == 0) {
repo->description = apk_blob_from_istream(is, fi->size);
} else if (strcmp(fi->name, "APKINDEX") == 0) {
ctx->found = 1;
bs = apk_bstream_from_istream(is);
apk_db_index_read(ctx->db, bs, ctx->repo);
bs->close(bs, NULL);
return 0;
static int load_index(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_bstream *bs,
int targz, int repo)
if (targz) {
struct apk_istream *is;
struct apkindex_ctx ctx;
ctx.db = db;
ctx.repo = repo;
ctx.found = 0;
apk_sign_ctx_init(&ctx.sctx, APK_SIGN_VERIFY, NULL, db->keys_fd);
is = apk_bstream_gunzip_mpart(bs, apk_sign_ctx_mpart_cb, &ctx.sctx);
r = apk_tar_parse(is, load_apkindex, &ctx, FALSE, &db->id_cache);
if (ctx.found == 0)
} else {
bs = apk_bstream_from_istream(apk_bstream_gunzip(bs));
apk_db_index_read(db, bs, repo);
bs->close(bs, NULL);
int apk_db_index_read_file(struct apk_database *db, const char *file, int repo)
int targz = 1;
if (strstr(file, ".tar.gz") == NULL && strstr(file, ".gz") != NULL)
targz = 0;
return load_index(db, apk_bstream_from_file(AT_FDCWD, file), targz, repo);
int apk_db_add_repository(apk_database_t _db, apk_blob_t repository)
struct apk_database *db = _db.db;
struct apk_bstream *bs = NULL;
struct apk_repository *repo;
if (repository.ptr == NULL || repository.len == 0 ||
*repository.ptr == '#')
if (db->num_repos >= APK_MAX_REPOS)
return -1;
r = db->num_repos++;
repo = &db->repos[r];
*repo = (struct apk_repository) {
char cacheitem[PATH_MAX];
apk_blob_checksum(repository, apk_checksum_default(), &repo->csum);
apk_cache_format_index(APK_BLOB_BUF(cacheitem), repo, 0);
bs = apk_bstream_from_file(db->cache_fd, cacheitem);
apk_cache_format_index(APK_BLOB_BUF(cacheitem), repo, 1);
bs = apk_bstream_from_file(db->cache_fd, cacheitem);
db->local_repos |= BIT(r);
bs = apk_repo_file_open(repo, apkindex_tar_gz);
bs = apk_repo_file_open(repo, apk_index_gz);
apk_warning("Failed to open index for %s", repo->url);
r = load_index(db, bs, targz, r);
if (r != 0)
apk_error("%s: Bad repository signature", repo->url);
return r;
static void extract_cb(void *_ctx, size_t progress)
struct install_ctx *ctx = (struct install_ctx *) _ctx;
if (ctx->cb) {
size_t size = ctx->installed_size;
size += muldiv(progress, ctx->current_file_size, APK_PROGRESS_SCALE);
if (size > ctx->pkg->installed_size)
size = ctx->pkg->installed_size;
ctx->cb(ctx->cb_ctx, muldiv(APK_PROGRESS_SCALE, size, ctx->pkg->installed_size));
static int apk_db_run_pending_script(struct install_ctx *ctx)
int r;
if (!ctx->script_pending)
return 0;
if (!ctx->sctx.control_verified)
return 0;
ctx->script_pending = FALSE;
r = apk_ipkg_run_script(ctx->ipkg, ctx->db, ctx->script,
if (r != 0)
apk_error("%s-%s: Failed to execute "
"pre-install/upgrade script",
ctx->pkg->name->name, ctx->pkg->version);
return r;
static int parse_replaces(void *_ctx, apk_blob_t blob)
struct install_ctx *ctx = (struct install_ctx *) _ctx;
if (blob.len == 0)
return 0;
*apk_name_array_add(&ctx->replaces) = apk_db_get_name(ctx->db, blob);
return 0;
static int read_info_line(void *_ctx, apk_blob_t line)
struct install_ctx *ctx = (struct install_ctx *) _ctx;
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg = ctx->ipkg;
struct apk_database *db = ctx->db;
apk_blob_t l, r;
if (line.ptr == NULL || line.len < 1 || line.ptr[0] == '#')
return 0;
if (!apk_blob_split(line, APK_BLOB_STR(" = "), &l, &r))
return 0;
if (apk_blob_compare(APK_BLOB_STR("replaces"), l) == 0) {
apk_blob_for_each_segment(r, " ", parse_replaces, ctx);
} else if (apk_blob_compare(APK_BLOB_STR("triggers"), l) == 0) {
apk_blob_for_each_segment(r, " ", parse_triggers, ctx->ipkg);
if (ctx->ipkg->triggers->num != 0 &&
} else {
apk_sign_ctx_parse_pkginfo_line(&ctx->sctx, line);
return 0;
static int apk_db_install_archive_entry(void *_ctx,
const struct apk_file_info *ae,
struct install_ctx *ctx = (struct install_ctx *) _ctx;
struct apk_database *db = ctx->db;
struct apk_package *pkg = ctx->pkg, *opkg;
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg = pkg->ipkg;
apk_blob_t name = APK_BLOB_STR(ae->name), bdir, bfile;
struct apk_db_dir_instance *diri = ctx->diri;
struct apk_db_file *file;
const char *p;
if (apk_sign_ctx_process_file(&ctx->sctx, ae, is) == 0)
return 0;
/* Package metainfo and script processing */
if (ae->name[0] == '.') {
/* APK 2.0 format */
if (strcmp(ae->name, ".PKGINFO") == 0) {
apk_blob_t blob = apk_blob_from_istream(is, ae->size);
apk_blob_for_each_segment(blob, "\n", read_info_line, ctx);
return 0;
type = apk_script_type(&ae->name[1]);
return 0;
} else if (strncmp(ae->name, "var/db/apk/", 11) == 0) {
/* APK 1.0 format */
p = &ae->name[11];
if (strncmp(p, pkg->name->name, strlen(pkg->name->name)) != 0)
return 0;
p += strlen(pkg->name->name) + 1;
if (strncmp(p, pkg->version, strlen(pkg->version)) != 0)
return 0;
p += strlen(pkg->version) + 1;
type = apk_script_type(p);
return 0;
/* Handle script */
if (type != APK_SCRIPT_INVALID) {
apk_ipkg_add_script(ipkg, is, type, ae->size);
if (type == ctx->script)
ctx->script_pending = TRUE;
return apk_db_run_pending_script(ctx);
r = apk_db_run_pending_script(ctx);
if (r != 0)
return r;
/* Show progress */
if (ctx->cb) {
size_t size = ctx->installed_size;
if (size > pkg->installed_size)
size = pkg->installed_size;
ctx->cb(ctx->cb_ctx, muldiv(APK_PROGRESS_SCALE, size, pkg->installed_size));
ctx->current_file_size = apk_calc_installed_size(ae->size);
if (!S_ISDIR(ae->mode)) {
if (!apk_blob_rsplit(name, '/', &bdir, &bfile))
return 0;
if (bfile.len > 6 && memcmp(bfile.ptr, ".keep_", 6) == 0)
return 0;
/* Make sure the file is part of the cached directory tree */
diri = find_diri(ipkg, bdir, diri, &ctx->file_diri_node);
if (diri == NULL) {
apk_error("%s: File '%*s' entry without directory entry.\n",
pkg->name->name, name.len, name.ptr);
return -1;
file = apk_db_file_query(db, bdir, bfile);
if (file != NULL) {
/* Overlay file? */
if (opkg->name == NULL)
/* Upgrading package? */
if (opkg->name == pkg->name)
for (i = 0; i < ctx->replaces->num; i++)
if (opkg->name == ctx->replaces->item[i])
if (i < ctx->replaces->num)
if (!(apk_flags & APK_FORCE)) {
pkg->name->name, ae->name,
return -1;
apk_warning("%s: Overwriting %s owned by %s.",
pkg->name->name, ae->name,
if (opkg != pkg) {
/* Create the file entry without adding it to hash */
file = apk_db_file_new(diri, bfile, &ctx->file_diri_node);
if (apk_verbosity >= 3)
apk_message("%s", ae->name);
r = apk_archive_entry_extract(db->root_fd, ae, ".apk-new", is,
/* Hardlinks need special care for checksum */
if (ae->csum.type == APK_CHECKSUM_NONE &&
ae->link_target != NULL) {
do {
struct apk_db_file *lfile;
struct apk_db_dir_instance *ldiri;
struct hlist_node *n;
if (!apk_blob_rsplit(APK_BLOB_STR(ae->link_target),
'/', &bdir, &bfile))
ldiri = find_diri(ipkg, bdir, diri, NULL);
if (ldiri == NULL)
hlist_for_each_entry(lfile, n, &ldiri->owned_files,
diri_files_list) {
if (apk_blob_compare(APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(lfile->name, lfile->namelen),
bfile) == 0) {
memcpy(&file->csum, &lfile->csum,
} while (0);
} else
memcpy(&file->csum, &ae->csum, sizeof(file->csum));
} else {
if (apk_verbosity >= 3)
apk_message("%s", ae->name);
if (name.ptr[name.len-1] == '/')
ctx->diri_node = hlist_tail_ptr(&ipkg->owned_dirs);
ctx->diri = diri = apk_db_diri_new(db, pkg, name,
ctx->file_diri_node = hlist_tail_ptr(&diri->owned_files);
apk_db_diri_set(diri, ae->mode & 0777, ae->uid, ae->gid);
apk_db_diri_mkdir(db, diri);
ctx->installed_size += ctx->current_file_size;
return r;
static void apk_db_purge_pkg(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg,
struct apk_db_file *file;
struct apk_db_file_hash_key key;
struct hlist_node *dc, *dn, *fc, *fn;
char name[PATH_MAX];
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(diri, dc, dn, &ipkg->owned_dirs, pkg_dirs_list) {
if (exten == NULL)
diri->dir->flags |= APK_DBDIRF_MODIFIED;
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(file, fc, fn, &diri->owned_files, diri_files_list) {
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s%s",
diri->dir->name, file->name, exten ?: "");
key = (struct apk_db_file_hash_key) {
.dirname = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(diri->dir->name, diri->dir->namelen),
.filename = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(file->name, file->namelen),
hash = apk_blob_hash_seed(key.filename, diri->dir->hash);
if (!(diri->dir->flags & APK_DBDIRF_PROTECTED) ||
(apk_flags & APK_PURGE) ||
apk_file_get_info(db->root_fd, name, APK_FI_NOFOLLOW | file->csum.type, &fi) == 0 &&
apk_checksum_compare(&file->csum, &fi.csum) == 0))
unlinkat(db->root_fd, name, 0);
if (apk_verbosity >= 3)
apk_message("%s", name);
__hlist_del(fc, &diri->owned_files.first);
if (exten == NULL) {
apk_hash_delete_hashed(&db->installed.files, APK_BLOB_BUF(&key), hash);
__hlist_del(dc, &ipkg->owned_dirs.first);
apk_db_diri_free(db, diri, APK_ALLOW_RMDIR);
static void apk_db_migrate_files(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg)
struct apk_db_dir_instance *diri;
struct apk_db_dir *dir;
struct apk_db_file *file, *ofile;
struct apk_db_file_hash_key key;
struct apk_file_info fi;
struct hlist_node *dc, *dn, *fc, *fn;
unsigned long hash;
char name[PATH_MAX], tmpname[PATH_MAX];
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(diri, dc, dn, &ipkg->owned_dirs, pkg_dirs_list) {
dir->flags |= APK_DBDIRF_MODIFIED;
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(file, fc, fn, &diri->owned_files, diri_files_list) {
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s",
diri->dir->name, file->name);
snprintf(tmpname, sizeof(tmpname), "%s/%s.apk-new",
diri->dir->name, file->name);
key = (struct apk_db_file_hash_key) {
.dirname = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(dir->name, dir->namelen),
.filename = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(file->name, file->namelen),
hash = apk_blob_hash_seed(key.filename, dir->hash);
/* check for existing file */
ofile = (struct apk_db_file *) apk_hash_get_hashed(
&db->installed.files, APK_BLOB_BUF(&key), hash);
/* We want to compare checksums only if one exists
* in db, and the file is in a protected path */
if (ofile != NULL &&
(diri->dir->flags & APK_DBDIRF_PROTECTED))
cstype = ofile->csum.type;
cstype |= APK_FI_NOFOLLOW;
r = apk_file_get_info(db->root_fd, name, cstype, &fi);
if (ofile && ofile->diri->pkg->name == NULL) {
/* File was from overlay, delete the
* packages version */
unlinkat(db->root_fd, tmpname, 0);
} else if ((diri->dir->flags & APK_DBDIRF_PROTECTED) &&
(r == 0) &&
(ofile == NULL ||
ofile->csum.type == APK_CHECKSUM_NONE ||
apk_checksum_compare(&ofile->csum, &fi.csum) != 0)) {
/* Protected directory, with file without
* db entry, or local modifications.
* Delete the apk-new if it's identical with the
* existing file */
if (ofile == NULL ||
ofile->csum.type != file->csum.type)
apk_file_get_info(db->root_fd, name,
APK_FI_NOFOLLOW | file->csum.type, &fi);
if ((apk_flags & APK_CLEAN_PROTECTED) ||
(file->csum.type != APK_CHECKSUM_NONE &&
apk_checksum_compare(&file->csum, &fi.csum) == 0))
unlinkat(db->root_fd, tmpname, 0);
/* Overwrite the old file */
renameat(db->root_fd, tmpname,
db->root_fd, name);
/* Claim ownership of the file in db */
if (ofile != file) {
if (ofile != NULL) {
APK_BLOB_BUF(&key), hash);
} else
apk_hash_insert_hashed(&db->installed.files, file, hash);
static int apk_db_unpack_pkg(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_installed_package *ipkg,
apk_progress_cb cb, void *cb_ctx,
char **script_args)
struct install_ctx ctx;
struct apk_package *pkg = ipkg->pkg;
int r, need_copy = FALSE;
if (pkg->filename == NULL) {