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zlg's package bumps for March 2019

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):zlg.2019-03 into master

This is a routine package upgrade. There is one thing to note, however:

  • py3-pyyaml has a minor issue building due to a missing ext/_yaml.c file. It appears that a tool is used to generate the .c file it needs to compile the module. It falls back to pure-Python mode and passes all tests, however.

I hand-tested py3-pyyaml by using vgstash to export a game collection to yaml (everything worked fine) and received a test cert from certbot to confirm the bumps didn't break anything affected on my system, since they're the two largest consumers of what was bumped.

This should be the last version bump from me until post-1.0-BETA3, barring security bumps.

Merge request reports