Adélie Image Tools
A\. Wilcox
© 2018-2023 Adélie Linux Team. NCSA open source licence.
This repository contains the Adélie Linux image tools, which are used by the
Release Engineering team to create the official Adélie Linux ISO images.
The tools contained in this repository are licensed under the NCSA open source
Any changes to this repository must be reviewed before being pushed to the
current branch. There are no exceptions to this rule. For security-sensitive
updates, contact the Security Team.
This section contains usage information for the software in this repository.
Using ``hscript-image`` to generate an image
The ``configs/`` directory contains the HorizonScript files that describe the
media you can create. All configurations eventually inherit from the
``base/base.installfile`` HorizonScript.
Each architecture supported for image creation has an entry in ``arch`` used
for all media created for that architecture.
The main targets used are typically:
* ``live/$ARCH-kde.installfile``: Live KDE media
* ``live/$ARCH-lxqt.installfile``: Live LXQt media
* ``live/$ARCH-mate.installfile``: Live MATE media
* ``horizon/$ARCH-horizon.installfile``: Installation media
* ``horizon/$ARCH-horizon-fw.installfile``: Installation media
(with non-libre firmware)
``hscript-image`` requires the following utilities to be installed:
Typically, ``hscript-image`` is run in the following way to generate,
for example, KDE media::
hscript-image -t iso -o adelie-$RELEASE-$ARCH-kde.iso configs/live/$ARCH-kde.installfile
See the comprehensive documentation on Horizon's ISO target in that repository.
As a cheat-sheet:
* ``-b issue-path=/path/to/issue/file`` - override ``/etc/issue`` on CD
* ``-b iso-params=foo`` - append ``foo`` to ``xorriso`` parameter
Reporting Issues
If you have issues installing with the official media, you should report your
issue to `the BTS`_.
If you have issues with generating your own media, or want to discuss other
media types, please contact the development team.