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Other labels 18

  • Boot
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that affect "Boot to Horizon", the `-inst` media files.
  • Doing
    Adélie Linux
  • Executor
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that apply to the Executor.
    Adélie Linux
    Feature requests: not a bug, but something to take a look at to add additional needed or desired functionality.
  • Install Env
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that occur in the Installation Environment. These issues occur when Horizon is running on the target computer (where Adélie will be installed).
    Adélie Linux
    Apply to issues and merge requests whose fixes should NOT be upstreamed.
  • META
    Adélie Linux
    Use this for anything with project- or repository- wide scope.
    Adélie Linux
    Apply to issues and merge requests that need more information to be actionable.
  • Qt UI
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that affect the Qt UI.
    Adélie Linux
    Apply to issues that cannot be reliably reproduced.
    Adélie Linux
    Use this label for what goes into the next release. Remove the label after the release.
    Adélie Linux
    Apply to issues and merge requests that need to be revalidated.
  • Runtime Env
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that occur when running in the Runtime Environment. These issues occur when Horizon is running on a second computer, authoring the HorizonScript that will be executed on a second target computer.
  • Script Processor
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that affect the script processor (, the shared library code that would affect all tools.
  • To Do
    Adélie Linux
  • Tools
    Adélie Linux / Horizon
    Issues that apply to the CLI tools.
    Adélie Linux
    Apply to issues or merge requests whose fixes SHOULD be sent upstream.
  • bugzilla
    Adélie Linux / Horizon