This repository is intended to be used for & by members of the Returner Games, Inc. Final Fantasy RPG community.
h2. How do I contribute?
There are several ways to contribute:
# Individuals who are registered with "github": may fork this repository, make changes in their version, and submit pull requests.
# Contact such an individual.
# Contact Aerdan himself; he's usually in "#returnergames on":irc://
A few people have direct access to the server so that they can pull updates without Aerdan being involved.
h2. I have such access. How do I update?
<pre><code>$ cd /srv/
$ git pull
$ wok</pre></code>
h2. Adding Content
h3. Creating a Page
Create a file in @content/@ with the @.textile@ extension. (You can use too, if you'd rather use Markdown.) Using Textile ("reference here":, using the following base:
<pre><code>title: Page title here
author: Can be anything
After the triple hyphens (@---@), you may write whatever you wish.
h3. Adding Navigation
To add pages to the sidebar, edit @templates/nav.html@.
h2. Content Guidelines & Licensing
Please don't add anything likely to violate the Github terms of service. Note that all content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license unless otherwise stated.