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user/elixir: FTTFS (ppc): std_alloc: Cannot allocate 512 bytes of memory (of type "bpd")
Found on ppc using zv/gcc-next
was not compiled with docs, skipping assertion
(elixir 1.15.7) lib/file.ex:1624:!/2
test/test_helper.exs:146: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
test/mix/tasks/compile_test.exs:357: Mix.Tasks.CompileTest."test code path pruning"/1
(ex_unit 1.15.7) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:463: ExUnit.Runner.exec_test/2
(stdlib 3.17.1) timer.erl:166:
(ex_unit 1.15.7) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:385: anonymous fn/5 in ExUnit.Runner.spawn_test_monitor/4
..............warning: redefining module Mix.Tasks.Local.Sample (current version defined in memory)
lib/local.sample.ex:1: Mix.Tasks.Local.Sample (module)
1) test --listen-on-stdin does not exit on compilation failure (Mix.Tasks.TestTest)
** (ExUnit.TimeoutError) test timed out after 60000ms. You can change the timeout:
1. per test by setting "@tag timeout: x" (accepts :infinity)
2. per test module by setting "@moduletag timeout: x" (accepts :infinity)
3. globally via "ExUnit.start(timeout: x)" configuration
4. by running "mix test --timeout x" which sets timeout
5. or by running "mix test --trace" which sets timeout to infinity
(useful when using IEx.pry/0)
where "x" is the timeout given as integer in milliseconds (defaults to 60_000).
test/mix/tasks/test_test.exs:575: Mix.Tasks.TestTest.receive_until_match/3
test/mix/tasks/test_test.exs:303: anonymous fn/0 in Mix.Tasks.TestTest."test --listen-on-stdin does not exit on compilation failure"/1
(elixir 1.15.7) lib/file.ex:1624:!/2
test/test_helper.exs:146: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
test/mix/tasks/test_test.exs:269: (test)
(ex_unit 1.15.7) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:463: ExUnit.Runner.exec_test/2
(stdlib 3.17.1) timer.erl:166:
(ex_unit 1.15.7) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:385: anonymous fn/5 in ExUnit.Runner.spawn_test_monitor/4
............................................................................................................................................................................std_alloc: Cannot allocate 512 bytes of memory (of type "bpd").
Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...done
make: *** [Makefile:116: test_mix] Error 1
>>> ERROR: elixir: check failed
# find . -name *.dump | while read k; do ls -l "$k"; done
-rw-r----- 1 1000 300 8094529 Jun 4 06:43 './src/elixir-1.15.7/lib/mix/tmp/test sorts based on the calls count/erl_crash.dump'
-rw-r----- 1 1000 300 6599961 Jun 4 06:36 './src/elixir-1.15.7/lib/mix/tmp/Mix.Tasks.ReleaseTest/test validates compile_env/erl_crash.dump'