diff --git a/scripts/get_maintainer.pl b/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
index 139e0fff8e3131159d8d16046d2cf9bc72503aaa..d29a8d75cb22ebb37f747f1b0b46d5df24974e58 100755
--- a/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
+++ b/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
@@ -420,6 +420,14 @@ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
 	open(my $patch, "< $file")
 	    or die "$P: Can't open $file: $!\n";
+	# We can check arbitrary information before the patch
+	# like the commit message, mail headers, etc...
+	# This allows us to match arbitrary keywords against any part
+	# of a git format-patch generated file (subject tags, etc...)
+	my $patch_prefix = "";			#Parsing the intro
 	while (<$patch>) {
 	    my $patch_line = $_;
 	    if (m/^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) {
@@ -428,13 +436,14 @@ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
 		$filename =~ s@\n@@;
 		$lastfile = $filename;
 		push(@files, $filename);
+		$patch_prefix = "^[+-].*";	#Now parsing the actual patch
 	    } elsif (m/^\@\@ -(\d+),(\d+)/) {
 		if ($email_git_blame) {
 		    push(@range, "$lastfile:$1:$2");
 	    } elsif ($keywords) {
 		foreach my $line (keys %keyword_hash) {
-		    if ($patch_line =~ m/^[+-].*$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
+		    if ($patch_line =~ m/${patch_prefix}$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
 			push(@keyword_tvi, $line);