diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/vec_ext.rs b/rust/kernel/alloc/vec_ext.rs
index 311e62cc578455443160b7ea611fb9555660db58..e24d7c7675cab6eaca58a8ba62746a4b9a0cf324 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/alloc/vec_ext.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/vec_ext.rs
@@ -2,47 +2,175 @@
 //! Extensions to [`Vec`] for fallible allocations.
-use alloc::{collections::TryReserveError, vec::Vec};
+use super::Flags;
+use alloc::{alloc::AllocError, vec::Vec};
 use core::result::Result;
 /// Extensions to [`Vec`].
 pub trait VecExt<T>: Sized {
     /// Creates a new [`Vec`] instance with at least the given capacity.
-    fn try_with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Result<Self, TryReserveError>;
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// let v = Vec::<u32>::with_capacity(20, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    ///
+    /// assert!(v.capacity() >= 20);
+    /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+    /// ```
+    fn with_capacity(capacity: usize, flags: Flags) -> Result<Self, AllocError>;
     /// Appends an element to the back of the [`Vec`] instance.
-    fn try_push(&mut self, v: T) -> Result<(), TryReserveError>;
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// let mut v = Vec::new();
+    /// v.push(1, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// assert_eq!(&v, &[1]);
+    ///
+    /// v.push(2, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// assert_eq!(&v, &[1, 2]);
+    /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+    /// ```
+    fn push(&mut self, v: T, flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError>;
     /// Pushes clones of the elements of slice into the [`Vec`] instance.
-    fn try_extend_from_slice(&mut self, other: &[T]) -> Result<(), TryReserveError>
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// let mut v = Vec::new();
+    /// v.push(1, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    ///
+    /// v.extend_from_slice(&[20, 30, 40], GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// assert_eq!(&v, &[1, 20, 30, 40]);
+    ///
+    /// v.extend_from_slice(&[50, 60], GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// assert_eq!(&v, &[1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]);
+    /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+    /// ```
+    fn extend_from_slice(&mut self, other: &[T], flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError>
         T: Clone;
+    /// Ensures that the capacity exceeds the length by at least `additional` elements.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// let mut v = Vec::new();
+    /// v.push(1, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    ///
+    /// v.reserve(10, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// let cap = v.capacity();
+    /// assert!(cap >= 10);
+    ///
+    /// v.reserve(10, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+    /// let new_cap = v.capacity();
+    /// assert_eq!(new_cap, cap);
+    ///
+    /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+    /// ```
+    fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize, flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError>;
 impl<T> VecExt<T> for Vec<T> {
-    fn try_with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Result<Self, TryReserveError> {
+    fn with_capacity(capacity: usize, flags: Flags) -> Result<Self, AllocError> {
         let mut v = Vec::new();
-        v.try_reserve(capacity)?;
+        <Self as VecExt<_>>::reserve(&mut v, capacity, flags)?;
-    fn try_push(&mut self, v: T) -> Result<(), TryReserveError> {
-        if let Err(retry) = self.push_within_capacity(v) {
-            self.try_reserve(1)?;
-            let _ = self.push_within_capacity(retry);
-        }
+    fn push(&mut self, v: T, flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError> {
+        <Self as VecExt<_>>::reserve(self, 1, flags)?;
+        let s = self.spare_capacity_mut();
+        s[0].write(v);
+        // SAFETY: We just initialised the first spare entry, so it is safe to increase the length
+        // by 1. We also know that the new length is <= capacity because of the previous call to
+        // `reserve` above.
+        unsafe { self.set_len(self.len() + 1) };
-    fn try_extend_from_slice(&mut self, other: &[T]) -> Result<(), TryReserveError>
+    fn extend_from_slice(&mut self, other: &[T], flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError>
         T: Clone,
-        self.try_reserve(other.len())?;
-        for item in other {
-            self.try_push(item.clone())?;
+        <Self as VecExt<_>>::reserve(self, other.len(), flags)?;
+        for (slot, item) in core::iter::zip(self.spare_capacity_mut(), other) {
+            slot.write(item.clone());
+        // SAFETY: We just initialised the `other.len()` spare entries, so it is safe to increase
+        // the length by the same amount. We also know that the new length is <= capacity because
+        // of the previous call to `reserve` above.
+        unsafe { self.set_len(self.len() + other.len()) };
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[cfg(any(test, testlib))]
+    fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize, _flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError> {
+        Vec::reserve(self, additional);
+    #[cfg(not(any(test, testlib)))]
+    fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize, flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AllocError> {
+        let len = self.len();
+        let cap = self.capacity();
+        if cap - len >= additional {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        if core::mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
+            // The capacity is already `usize::MAX` for SZTs, we can't go higher.
+            return Err(AllocError);
+        }
+        // We know cap is <= `isize::MAX` because `Layout::array` fails if the resulting byte size
+        // is greater than `isize::MAX`. So the multiplication by two won't overflow.
+        let new_cap = core::cmp::max(cap * 2, len.checked_add(additional).ok_or(AllocError)?);
+        let layout = core::alloc::Layout::array::<T>(new_cap).map_err(|_| AllocError)?;
+        let (ptr, len, cap) = destructure(self);
+        // SAFETY: `ptr` is valid because it's either NULL or comes from a previous call to
+        // `krealloc_aligned`. We also verified that the type is not a ZST.
+        let new_ptr = unsafe { super::allocator::krealloc_aligned(ptr.cast(), layout, flags) };
+        if new_ptr.is_null() {
+            // SAFETY: We are just rebuilding the existing `Vec` with no changes.
+            unsafe { rebuild(self, ptr, len, cap) };
+            Err(AllocError)
+        } else {
+            // SAFETY: `ptr` has been reallocated with the layout for `new_cap` elements. New cap
+            // is greater than `cap`, so it continues to be >= `len`.
+            unsafe { rebuild(self, new_ptr.cast::<T>(), len, new_cap) };
+            Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+#[cfg(not(any(test, testlib)))]
+fn destructure<T>(v: &mut Vec<T>) -> (*mut T, usize, usize) {
+    let mut tmp = Vec::new();
+    core::mem::swap(&mut tmp, v);
+    let mut tmp = core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(tmp);
+    let len = tmp.len();
+    let cap = tmp.capacity();
+    (tmp.as_mut_ptr(), len, cap)
+/// Rebuilds a `Vec` from a pointer, length, and capacity.
+/// # Safety
+/// The same as [`Vec::from_raw_parts`].
+#[cfg(not(any(test, testlib)))]
+unsafe fn rebuild<T>(v: &mut Vec<T>, ptr: *mut T, len: usize, cap: usize) {
+    // SAFETY: The safety requirements from this function satisfy those of `from_raw_parts`.
+    let mut tmp = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap) };
+    core::mem::swap(&mut tmp, v);
diff --git a/rust/kernel/error.rs b/rust/kernel/error.rs
index 4786d3ee1e92917c4f69f009770063e10dbaca02..e53466937796eda4d0331fd675c7fa272e6c08f2 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/error.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/error.rs
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
 use crate::str::CStr;
-use alloc::{
-    alloc::{AllocError, LayoutError},
-    collections::TryReserveError,
+use alloc::alloc::{AllocError, LayoutError};
 use core::convert::From;
 use core::fmt;
@@ -192,12 +189,6 @@ fn from(_: Utf8Error) -> Error {
-impl From<TryReserveError> for Error {
-    fn from(_: TryReserveError) -> Error {
-        code::ENOMEM
-    }
 impl From<LayoutError> for Error {
     fn from(_: LayoutError) -> Error {
diff --git a/rust/kernel/lib.rs b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
index d3d345aed218a993d34ca02c165740f2ab8b8a6e..1e910fe7c2c774af96171bf174ffc9ee6f945c52 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 // Ensure conditional compilation based on the kernel configuration works;
 // otherwise we may silently break things like initcall handling.
diff --git a/rust/kernel/str.rs b/rust/kernel/str.rs
index 14ef4344cf6e4c630d713e5a3b48321a2138caed..f454252c62158b67210133f9ba3809a2fd077f80 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/str.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/str.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //! String representations.
-use crate::alloc::vec_ext::VecExt;
+use crate::alloc::{flags::*, vec_ext::VecExt};
 use alloc::alloc::AllocError;
 use alloc::vec::Vec;
 use core::fmt::{self, Write};
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ pub fn try_from_fmt(args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
         let size = f.bytes_written();
         // Allocate a vector with the required number of bytes, and write to it.
-        let mut buf = Vec::try_with_capacity(size)?;
+        let mut buf = <Vec<_> as VecExt<_>>::with_capacity(size, GFP_KERNEL)?;
         // SAFETY: The buffer stored in `buf` is at least of size `size` and is valid for writes.
         let mut f = unsafe { Formatter::from_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr(), size) };
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a CStr> for CString {
     fn try_from(cstr: &'a CStr) -> Result<CString, AllocError> {
         let mut buf = Vec::new();
-        buf.try_extend_from_slice(cstr.as_bytes_with_nul())
+        <Vec<_> as VecExt<_>>::extend_from_slice(&mut buf, cstr.as_bytes_with_nul(), GFP_KERNEL)
             .map_err(|_| AllocError)?;
         // INVARIANT: The `CStr` and `CString` types have the same invariants for
diff --git a/rust/kernel/types.rs b/rust/kernel/types.rs
index aa77bad9bce48655fa1b7ddb700710172cca759a..8fad61268465a717adfaeff119cfdc107f8ccf63 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/types.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/types.rs
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ unsafe fn from_foreign(_: *const core::ffi::c_void) -> Self {}
 ///     let mut vec =
 ///         ScopeGuard::new_with_data(Vec::new(), |v| pr_info!("vec had {} elements\n", v.len()));
-///     vec.try_push(10u8)?;
+///     vec.push(10u8, GFP_KERNEL)?;
 ///     if arg {
 ///         return Ok(());
 ///     }
-///     vec.try_push(20u8)?;
+///     vec.push(20u8, GFP_KERNEL)?;
 ///     Ok(())
 /// }
diff --git a/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs b/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
index dc05f4bbe27ec9228cfb4d79547890e5ab0ef7e6..2a9eaab62d1ca73bfa004b61a18c647e3f15e851 100644
--- a/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
+++ b/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ fn init(_module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
         pr_info!("Am I built-in? {}\n", !cfg!(MODULE));
         let mut numbers = Vec::new();
-        numbers.try_push(72)?;
-        numbers.try_push(108)?;
-        numbers.try_push(200)?;
+        numbers.push(72, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+        numbers.push(108, GFP_KERNEL)?;
+        numbers.push(200, GFP_KERNEL)?;
         Ok(RustMinimal { numbers })