diff --git a/Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-reserved.rst b/Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-reserved.rst
index 38af1472a4b452aa4042b8c79709ddaa1e9228db..0c399858bda2e58477a3a97b1100ada9205502d2 100644
--- a/Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-reserved.rst
+++ b/Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-reserved.rst
@@ -243,7 +243,20 @@ please make a proposal on the linux-media mailing list.
 	It is an opaque intermediate format and the MDP hardware must be
 	used to convert ``V4L2_PIX_FMT_MT21C`` to ``V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M``,
 	``V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420M`` or ``V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420``.
+    * .. _V4L2-PIX-FMT-SUNXI-TILED-NV12:
+      - ``V4L2_PIX_FMT_SUNXI_TILED_NV12``
+      - 'ST12'
+      - Two-planar NV12-based format used by the video engine found on Allwinner
+	(codenamed sunxi) platforms, with 32x32 tiles for the luminance plane
+	and 32x64 tiles for the chrominance plane. The data in each tile is
+	stored in linear order, within the tile bounds. Each tile follows the
+	previous one linearly in memory (from left to right, top to bottom).
+	The associated buffer dimensions are aligned to match an integer number
+	of tiles, resulting in 32-aligned resolutions for the luminance plane
+	and 16-aligned resolutions for the chrominance plane (with 2x2
+	subsampling).
 .. tabularcolumns:: |p{6.6cm}|p{2.2cm}|p{8.7cm}|
diff --git a/drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-ioctl.c b/drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-ioctl.c
index 1a8feaf6c3f75b199c74cde98dc38f89557c913d..c148c44caffb793720c0677ebf157692a710a30a 100644
--- a/drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-ioctl.c
+++ b/drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-ioctl.c
@@ -1337,6 +1337,7 @@ static void v4l_fill_fmtdesc(struct v4l2_fmtdesc *fmt)
 		case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SE401:	descr = "GSPCA SE401"; break;
 		case V4L2_PIX_FMT_S5C_UYVY_JPG:	descr = "S5C73MX interleaved UYVY/JPEG"; break;
 		case V4L2_PIX_FMT_MT21C:	descr = "Mediatek Compressed Format"; break;
+		case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SUNXI_TILED_NV12: descr = "Sunxi Tiled NV12 Format"; break;
 			WARN(1, "Unknown pixelformat 0x%08x\n", fmt->pixelformat);
 			if (fmt->description[0])
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/videodev2.h b/include/uapi/linux/videodev2.h
index 314ec7a5f046de9b578a59e00ba378e77c91ffc9..7412a255d9ced5315c070f4da321b916abea9775 100644
--- a/include/uapi/linux/videodev2.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/videodev2.h
@@ -677,6 +677,7 @@ struct v4l2_pix_format {
 #define V4L2_PIX_FMT_Z16      v4l2_fourcc('Z', '1', '6', ' ') /* Depth data 16-bit */
 #define V4L2_PIX_FMT_MT21C    v4l2_fourcc('M', 'T', '2', '1') /* Mediatek compressed block mode  */
 #define V4L2_PIX_FMT_INZI     v4l2_fourcc('I', 'N', 'Z', 'I') /* Intel Planar Greyscale 10-bit and Depth 16-bit */
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SUNXI_TILED_NV12 v4l2_fourcc('S', 'T', '1', '2') /* Sunxi Tiled NV12 Format */
 /* 10bit raw bayer packed, 32 bytes for every 25 pixels, last LSB 6 bits unused */
 #define V4L2_PIX_FMT_IPU3_SBGGR10	v4l2_fourcc('i', 'p', '3', 'b') /* IPU3 packed 10-bit BGGR bayer */